How to Install EBS CSI Driver Using 10 Easy Steps

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to install EBS CSI driver using 10 easy steps.  There are two CSI drivers  supported in AWS which are used to allocate persistent volume in EKS. They are EBS (Elastic Block Storage) and EFS (Elastic File Storage).  Both CSI driver requires a policy attached to it which … Read more

What is IAM Identity Provider and Federation

In this tutorial, we will learn about what is IAM identity provider and federation and how to add an Identity provider. Amazon IAM is a web service which is used to securely access all AWS resources. It controls the permission of all the users  accessing any AWS resources. Authorization and Authentication of a user is … Read more

How to Install OPA in EKS Using 7 Easy Steps

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to setup OPA in EKS using 7 easy steps. In kubernetes, PSP is used to restrict the pods defined in the cluster from being disruptive to worker nodes or wider cluster. From Kubernetes version 1.25 and above, PSP is deprecated. Hence, OPA is used as an admission … Read more

10+ Important Linux Commands with Examples

In this tutorial, we will learn 10+ Important Linux commands with examples. Linux is used almost everywhere. All the cloud providers also supports Linux instances. It works on older hardware as well. We can easily customize it as it is open source. Linux community support is quite strong. It has plenty of pros which bounds … Read more

How to Create EC2 Instance Using 10 Easy Steps

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to create EC2 instance using 10 easy steps. AWS is one of the leading cloud platform among others. Its most powerful and usable service is EC2. There are many reasons behind the popularity of EC2 service like User can launch multiple EC2 instances based on the need … Read more

How to Create EKS Node Groups Using 8 Easy Steps

In this tutorial we will learn about how to create EKS managed node groups using 8 easy steps. There are two types of node groups. Self managed node groups and EKS managed node groups. Self managed node groups requires more action and responsibilities from you than the EKS managed node groups. In Kubernetes terms, managed … Read more

How to Install Putty on Windows using 6 Easy Steps

Putty Overview In this tutorial, we will see how to install Putty on Windows using 6 easy steps. Putty is an open-source free SSH and telnet client, initially developed for windows platform. Putty is basically used to establish  SSH connection from Windows platform. With time, Putty has been ported to other operating systems as well … Read more